Pet Photographer’s Blog
BFF Photography Studio Policy on the Use of Shock Collars & Negative Reinforcement
Having a portrait taken of your pet should be fun. It shouldn’t be painful. Pet photography sessions with Bell’s Furry Friends Photography are usually fun for you and your pet. Bell Furry Friends Photography’s studio policy is that the use of the following is prohibited: Choke chains Prong collars Electronic collars, also known as shock […]
Upcoming Event: Bark for Life of Greater Portland

Since 2012, I’ve been the official photographer for the Greater Bangor Bark for Life. It is a non-competitive walk that raises funds for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. Only this event includes dogs who are often co-survivors for humans with cancer. They may also be affected by cancer themselves. I love this event. […]
Straight Scoop on Poop
Feces… Scat… Poop No matter what you call it, every dog makes it. Every human owned by a dog should be scooping it. It’s not glamourous to bend over and grab waste in a plastic baggie. Let’s face it. It can smell pretty bad too. There are serious reasons why you should be scooping your […]
BARRK to End Domestic Violence
Walk, Run, or WOOF to raise funds for ending domestic violence! When I met Jenny Dwyer earlier this year, I knew she was the kind of pet-oriented professional I wanted to align with. Her company Mutt Nose Best is located at 30 Bomarc Road in Bangor. Its mission is to provide environmentally-friendly chemical-free dog grooming […]
Providing Comfort to The Troops
When troops deploy for service or return home, they experience emotions that range from anticipation to despair. For many, the sight of a dog is a comfort in itself. The act of petting it provides a glimpse of happiness. Hampden residents Cheryl and Ron Lare’s two therapy Shih Tzu dogs, Opie and Skylar, have provided […]
Hungry Pets, Helpful Hands
Imagine having to choose between feeding yourself or ensuring your pet has food. What would happen if you couldn’t provide that basic need for your pet? What if you had to give them up? According to Carol Higgins-Taylor and Rob Crone, staff members at Eastern Area Agency on Aging, 450 Essex Street in Bangor, that’s […]
Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Veazie Veterinary Clinic

“Ready for my Close-Up” will be on Friday, July 12, 6-9 p.m., Sea Dog Brewing Company Banquet Center, 26 Front Street, Bangor. Just a reminder, this is a people-only event. Please leave your pets at home. Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Veazie Veterinary Clinic Location: 1522 State Street, Veazie, Maine 04401 Phone: (207) 941-8840 Website: […]
Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Mutt Nose Best

“Ready for my Close-Up” will be held on Friday, July 12, 6-9 p.m., Sea Dog Brewing Company Banquet Center, 26 Front Street, Bangor. Just a reminder, this is a people-only event. Please leave your pets at home. Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Mutt Nose Best Owner: Jenny Dwyer Location: 30 Bomarc Road, Bangor, Maine 04401 […]
Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Green Acres Kennel Shop

“Ready for my Close-Up” will be held Friday, July 12, 6-9 p.m., Sea Dog Brewing Company Banquet Center, 26 Front Street, Bangor. Just a reminder, this is a people-only event. Please leave your pets at home. Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Green Acres Kennel Shop Owners: Don & Paula Hanson Location: 1653 Union Street, Bangor, […]
Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Dogn’i Apparel

“Ready for my Close-Up” will be on Friday, July 12, 6-9 p.m., Sea Dog Brewing Company Banquet Center, 26 Front Street, Bangor. Just a reminder, this is a people-only event. Please leave your pets at home. Ready for My Close-Up Partner: Dogn’i Apparel Owner: Cynthia Rollins Location: 29 6th Street, Bangor, Maine 04401 Phone: (207) […]